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The Investment Readiness Process

IRP Report

The Investment Readiness Process by Beels® help founders and investors to more efficiently agree how the company contributes to meeting both parties' goals and expectations. This IRP Report is produced by the founders to describe the company’s goals, plans, risks and potential return for investors.

30 September 2024 Bazzum logo Black 3x

Bazzum AB


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Rickard Linetti

The founder of Bazzum. Creative zealot and entrepreneur through and through. Passionate about customer solutions and sales. A pioneer with unmatched experience and knowledge in the field of digital recruiting and job market services, with over 20 years as a heavyweight in the industry. Founded Stepstone, Sweden’s first digital recruiting site in 1996, when people still thought the internet was a fad. Since then he has founded and successfully led several different digital services in the job market. Convinced that will fundamentally change our view on job hunting and recruiting – locally, nationally and globally.

Quick Facts

Global Goal focus

  • Goal 3. Good health and well-being
  • 3.c
  • Goal 5. Gender equality
  • 5.1
  • 5.5
  • 5.b
  • 5.c
  • Goal 8. Decent work and economic growth
  • 8.5
  • 8.6
  • 8.8
  • 8.b
  • Goal 10. Reduce inequalities

Mega Trends

  • Demographics and social change
  • Technological Breakthrough


  • AI
  • DeepTech
  • EdTech
  • SaaS

Business Model

  • B2C – Business to consumer
  • B2B – Business to business


We share our pitch with you (available as a download in the digital report) and hope you find our company interesting.

Download Pitch

Pitch Bazzum short version pptx pdf
Pitch Bazzum long version pptx 2 pdf

Interview with the founders

1. What are you working on? (1.1 What does that give to a customer?, 1.2. And what does that give, 1.3 How will it contribute to the world?)

Bazzum logo Black 3x

We develop the future platform for recruitment based on "power skills" using an automated and AI powered process which decreases 80% of today's workload. We match employers jobs with the applicants personal abilities and interest, rather than on hard skills and experience. We are using a psychometric methodology to analyse abilities for all jobs and for testing applicants to match them according to their profile. The employer gets the right candidates suitable for their corporate culture and the job. The applicant is matched with the right kind of job without needing to search for jobs. Right person for the job will increase satisfaction for the employee. This will lead to less sick leaves and higher growth for the employer.

2. Why are you (individually) doing this? (2.1 What is your goal? 2.2 Do you have a financial goal? 2.3 When do you need to reach that goal? 2.4 What is the goal behind that goal?)

Bazzum logo Black 3x

I have been working with digital solutions within recruitment for 25 years and have seen all the challenges. What we see now and in a near future is digitalization, globalization and individualization. This are phenomena that are going to change the very core of the job market. There’s a massive demand on skilled labour all around the globe, but in many ways the job market is dysfunctional, both locally and globally. Failed recruitments, difficulty finding the right competence, drawn-out recruiting processes and lacking the time and resources for handling them. To me, it’s obvious that the antiquated structure of the job market is the single largest obstacle for the growth of businesses at large. I was part of Stepstone and now I want to build a big and positive solution on the recruitment market based on my idea. There is a staggering number of people who want a job and an abundance of skilled individuals who are looking to change jobs. Of course, making a financial profit is also part of my goal, and timewize I see myself in an operational role for 3 to 5 years.

3. Why now? (3.1 Why will this succeed now?)

Bazzum logo Black 3x

The era when gold watches were handed out for long and faithful service is over. It’s not what people want anymore. In the job market of the future there will be a constant flow of people changing jobs with a global perspective, working remote and looking for new challenges with their personal growth in focus. The market’s need for easier, more accurate recruiting is apparent - We are facing a paradigm shift. The pandemic made employers realise that work is going digital and that they have to use digital solutions to make recruitment more efficient.

4. What is you unfair competitive advantage? (4.1 Something that no-one else have?)

Bazzum logo Black 3x

It is the psychometric process we use powered by AI where we build algorithms and methodology. We analyse all jobs based on the personal abilities that they require. And we test the applicants on their abilities for real.

5. Describe your competitors?

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There are those who are more or less traditional job board with ads like Indeed, LinkedIn and Zip recruiter. That acts like recruitment platforms like Bazzum are going to act but without the fokus on power skills. Then we have others companies that focus on power skills but don't act like open recruitment platform, more like ATSC (Applicant tracking software companies – Vervoe, Pymetrics, Codility, HireVue, HackerRank and Imocha. These are not open platforms.

6. How do you make money?

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When an employer wants to open an applicants profile we charge them 300 or 400 Swedish krona dependent on the type of job.

7. How do you charge customers?

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By invoice or credit card online..

8. How much does an average customer spend per year? (8.1 Or, how much will an average customer spend per year?)

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I will estimation that an average customer pays approximately 9000 kronor per year.

9. Give three top reasons why this will fail?

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That we don't get the technology to work. That we don't succeed in communicating our offer. That the marketing to attract candidates becomes too expensive.

10. What does an exit look like?

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My dream exit would be that Google or Microsoft acquires Bazzum.

What will drive value and how will we reach our goals?

What drives value in our future company? We call them "value driving factors". They are factors that help the company to achieve the turnover and profit targets we have set as goals to be achieved in our ”normal case”.

This is what makes the company value grow and hopefully make it possible for our now coming investors to exit their shares with a profit.

Planned year of exit for first investor


To reach our long term ”Normal case” goals we have set targets (milestones) that reflect a realistic progression on each selected Value-driving factor from Start of our plan to the year when we plan for our now coming investors to exit their investment.

Impact/ESG At start
Apr 2024
At 6 months
Oct 2024
At 40%
Jul 2026
At exit
Dec 2029
Right person in the right place Survey with 1000 employers and 1000 employees every 12 month Searching for methods Measurement method 10% 50% improvement/increase
Company growth Survey with 1000 employers every 12 month Searching for methods Measurement method 10% 50% improvement/increase
Sales/Market/Customer At start
Apr 2024
At 6 months
Oct 2024
At 40%
Jul 2026
At exit
Dec 2029
Analyzed jobs Number of web scraped and analyzed jobs per month Development engine and test 50000 13% monthly growth to April 2026 500000 jobs monthly 3 500 000
Web scraping rate Percent of all jobs on Bazzums target market that are scraped 0 0,3% 3% 23%
Brand association First in mind - first in choice for employers and job seekers Not listed Not listed 1-100 on ranking list Nr 1-10 on ranking list
Product/Technology/Business Model At start
Apr 2024
At 6 months
Oct 2024
At 40%
Jul 2026
At exit
Dec 2029
Number of onboarding customers Employer (scraped jobs) that open one profile and pay Testpilots 200 28% monthly growth to April 2026 17000 6% monthly growth to exit 165000/month
Success rate Share of employments / opened profiles 0 0,4% 3% 5%
Matchable candidates Number of matchable candidates on the platform 0 5000 23% monthly growth to April 2026 200000 12% monthly growth to exit 18 750 000
Matching rate Percent of jobs and candidates that are matched 0% 20% 40% 75%
Assets/Team/IPR At start
Apr 2024
At 6 months
Oct 2024
At 40%
Jul 2026
At exit
Dec 2029
Big data/machine learning Discover patterns, trends and insights and analyze past performance and experience Searching for methods Measurement method TRL9
Webscraping engine Engine that fetch the HTML content of web pages. Searching for methods Measurement method TRL9
Matching algorithms Sophisticated technique involving artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) Searching for methods Measurement method TRL9

How will we use the funds?

In order to reach our milestone we have made a roadmap from start of plan to the year of we plan for our now coming investors to exit their investment. This roadmap shows key activities in each area of the company, that need to be completed by a certain point in time in order for the company to achieve the goals for each Milestone.

The strategic roadmap is divided in three parts where the first plan, on a monthly basis, shows how we will reach the first milestones in 6 months from start of plan. The second part is a quarterly plan and the last part is a yearly plan.

IP Marketing Organization Sales Impact Tech/Service/Product Accounting Financing
Apply for trade­mark pro­tec­tion — Swe­den, Nor­way and Denmark
Strate­gic mar­ket­ing plan Scan­di­na­vian mar­ket with Lucky Nation Con­cept Agencie
CEO (Rickard Linet­ti) employed
Social Media Man­ag­er (Linus Zack­ris­son) employed
Pro­jekt Man­ag­er (Sofia Eske­lid) employed
Recruit­ment process Pro­jekt Man­ag­er, Admin­is­tra­tor and Web Scrap­ing Man­ag­er starts
Strate­gic dig­i­tal sales meth­ods based on web scrap­ing engine data: — Email and mes­sage sales — Social media — Tar­get­ed ads — SEO — Search Engine Mar­ket­ing — Social Media Mar­ket­ing — PPC — Cus­tomer reviews — Con­ver­sion Rate Opti­miza­tion (CRO) — Instruc­tion­al con­tent (videos, prod­uct pho­tos etc) — Affil­i­ate mar­ket­ing — Ai och Machine learning
Search­ing for meth­ods surveys
Sys­tem archi­tec­ture, data­base design and modeling.
Project plan Pro­fes­sion­al pro­files, and com­pa­ny information
Dev Web­scrap­ing engine
Exter­nal account­ing 100%
Seed: 3 000 000 SEK
Mar­ket­ing cam­paign users Face­book, LinkedIn, Insta­gram, Twit­ter, SEO, Influ­encers, Webinars
Mar­ket­ing cam­paign cus­tomers LinkedIn, Face­book SEO, webi­na­rs, Youtube
Email mar­ket­ing customers
Sales cam­paigns Swe­den, Nor­way and Denmark
Mea­sure­ment method surveys
Sys­tem archi­tec­ture, data­base design and modeling.
User expe­ri­ence and inter­face design.
Define selec­tion cri­te­ria and lev­el of pro­fes­sion­al development
Dev Web­scrap­ing engine
Exter­nal account­ing 100%
Mar­ket­ing cam­paign users Face­book, LinkedIn, Insta­gram, Twit­ter, SEO, Influ­encers, Webinars
Mar­ket­ing cam­paign cus­tomers LinkedIn, Face­book SEO, webi­na­rs, Youtube
Email mar­ket­ing customers
User expe­ri­ence and inter­face design.
Algo­rithm devel­op­ment for match­ing as well as secu­ri­ty and integrity.
Pro­cess­ing of occupations
Recruit­ment of par­tic­i­pants for the test pilot
Dev Web­scrap­ing engine
Exter­nal account­ing 100%
Mar­ket­ing cam­paign users Face­book, LinkedIn, Insta­gram, Twit­ter, SEO, Influ­encers, Webinars
Mar­ket­ing cam­paign cus­tomers LinkedIn, Face­book SEO, webi­na­rs, Youtube
Email mar­ket­ing customers
Algo­rithm devel­op­ment for match­ing as well as secu­ri­ty and integrity.
Scal­a­bil­i­ty and per­for­mance optimization.
Imple­men­ta­tion of data collection/​Test pilot/​s (pre-study/pi­lot)
Pro­cess­ing of data from the test pilot
Con­clu­sions of the pilot and deci­sions on adjustments
Test Web­scrap­ing engine
Exter­nal account­ing 100%
Launch Scan­di­navia
Mar­ket­ing cam­paign users Face­book, LinkedIn, Insta­gram, Twit­ter, SEO, Influ­encers, Webinars
Mar­ket­ing cam­paign cus­tomers LinkedIn, Face­book SEO, webi­na­rs, Youtube
Email mar­ket­ing customers
Launch MVP
Scal­a­bil­i­ty and per­for­mance optimization.
User test larg­er volumes
Cus­tomer test larg­er volumes
Test/​adjust Web­scrap­ing engine
Exter­nal account­ing 100%
Inves­ti­gate whether there is an oppor­tu­ni­ty to take a patent on the match­ing engine
Mar­ket­ing cam­paign users Face­book, LinkedIn, Insta­gram, Twit­ter, SEO, Influ­encers, Webinars
Mar­ket­ing cam­paign cus­tomers LinkedIn, Face­book SEO, webi­na­rs, Youtube
Email mar­ket­ing customers
Recruit­ment process: Project Man­ag­er, Admin­is­tra­tor, Web Scrap­ing Man­ag­er, Social Media Coor­di­na­tor, Cus­tomer Ser­vice Man­ag­er, Account­ing Con­sul­tants starts
Ongo­ing development
Exter­nal account­ing 100%
Mar­ket­ing cam­paign users Face­book, LinkedIn, Insta­gram, Twit­ter, Tik­Tok, Snapchat, Youtube, SEO, Influ­encers, webinars
Mar­ket­ing cam­paign cus­tomers LinkedIn, Face­book SEO, webi­na­rs, Youtube
Email mar­ket­ing customers
Recruit­ment process Project Man­ag­er, Admin­is­tra­tor and Web Scrap­ing Man­ag­er finished.
Recruit­ment process Social Media coor­di­na­tor and Cus­tomer Ser­vice Man­ag­er finished
Recruit­ment process Account­ing Con­sul­tants finished
Ongo­ing development
Exter­nal account­ing 100%
Apply for trade­mark pro­tec­tion — EU and UK
Mar­ket­ing cam­paign users Face­book, LinkedIn, Insta­gram, Twit­ter, Tik­Tok, Snapchat, Youtube, SEO, Influ­encers, webinars
Mar­ket­ing cam­paign cus­tomers LinkedIn, Face­book SEO, webi­na­rs, Youtube
Email mar­ket­ing customers
Ongo­ing development
- Iter­a­tive Devel­op­ment — Per­for­mance Opti­miza­tion — User Inter­face (UI) and User Expe­ri­ence (UX) Refine­ment — Secu­ri­ty and Com­pli­ance — Expand Plat­form Ecosys­tem — Local­iza­tion and Glob­al­iza­tion — Ana­lyt­ics and Mon­i­tor­ing — Com­mu­ni­ty Build­ing and Engage­ment — Mar­ket­ing and Growth Strate­gies — Doc­u­men­ta­tion and Sup­port — Reg­u­lar Updates and Releas­es — Feed­back Loop
Inter­nal account­ing 100%
Series A: 25 000 000 SEK
Sur­vey employ­ers and employ­ees: Right per­son in the right place” Sur­vey employ­ers: Com­pa­ny growth”
Ongo­ing development
Inter­nal account­ing 100%
Mar­ket­ing cam­paign users Face­book, LinkedIn, Insta­gram, Twit­ter, Tik­Tok, Snapchat, Youtube, SEO, Influ­encers, webinars
Mar­ket­ing cam­paign cus­tomers LinkedIn, Face­book SEO, webi­na­rs, Youtube
Email mar­ket­ing customers
Recruit­ment process key employ­ees starts.
Mar­ket­ing man­ag­er Prod­uct man­ag­er HR-man­ag­er Sales man­ag­er Cus­tomer sup­port man­ag­er Con­tent manager
Recruit­ment process Team EU” plus Team UK” starts
Team EU — Scan­di­navia: — UK: — Ger­many, Aus­tria and Swiz­zer­land: — Ben­nelux and France: — East: Polen, Slo­va­kia, Hun­gary, Czech Repub­lic — South: Italy, Spain, Por­tu­gal, Greece
Team Man­agers Key Account Man­agers Project Man­agers Mar­ket­ing Coor­di­na­tor Com­mu­ni­ty Coor­di­na­tor Cus­tomer Ser­vice Coor­di­na­tor Social Media Coor­di­na­tor Web Scrap­ing Coor­di­na­tor Sup­port Administrators
Sales cam­paigns EU and UK
Ongo­ing development
Inter­nal account­ing 100%
Plan­ing launch EU plus UK
Mar­ket­ing cam­paign users Face­book, LinkedIn, Insta­gram, Twit­ter, Tik­Tok, Snapchat, Youtube, SEO, Influ­encers, webinars
Mar­ket­ing cam­paign cus­tomers LinkedIn, Face­book SEO, webi­na­rs, Youtube
Email mar­ket­ing customers
Recruit­ment process key employ­ees” and Team EU” plus Team UK” finished
Ongo­ing development
Inter­nal account­ing 100%
Apply for trade­mark pro­tec­tion — US, Cana­da, Aus­tralia and New Zealand
Launch EU plus UK
Mar­ket­ing cam­paign users Face­book, LinkedIn, Insta­gram, Twit­ter, Tik­Tok, Snapchat, Youtube, SEO, Influ­encers, webinars
Mar­ket­ing cam­paign cus­tomers LinkedIn, Face­book SEO, webi­na­rs, Youtube
Email mar­ket­ing customers
Launch EU and UK
Ongo­ing development
Inter­nal account­ing 100%
Series B: 75 000 000 SEK
Mar­ket­ing cam­paign users Face­book, LinkedIn, Insta­gram, Twit­ter, Tik­Tok, Snapchat, Youtube, SEO, Influ­encers, webinars
Mar­ket­ing cam­paign cus­tomers LinkedIn, Face­book SEO, webi­na­rs, Youtube
Email mar­ket­ing customers
Sales cam­paigns EUUK
Sur­vey employ­ers and employ­ees: Right per­son in the right place” Sur­vey employ­ers: Com­pa­ny growth”
Ongo­ing development
Inter­nal account­ing 100%
Mar­ket­ing cam­paign users Face­book, LinkedIn, Insta­gram, Twit­ter, Tik­Tok, Snapchat, Youtube, SEO, Influ­encers, webinars
Mar­ket­ing cam­paign cus­tomers LinkedIn, Face­book SEO, webi­na­rs, Youtube
Email mar­ket­ing customers
Recruit­ment process Team US & Cana­da” plus Team Aus­tralia & New Zee­land” starts
Team US (CASC 9 regions), Cana­da, Aus­tralia and New Zealand Alas­ka: Mid­west: North­west: North Cen­tral: North­east: Pacif­ic Islands: South­west: South Cen­tral: South­east: Cana­da: Aus­tralia and New Zealand:
Team Man­agers Key Account Man­agers Project Man­agers Mar­ket­ing Coor­di­na­tor Com­mu­ni­ty Coor­di­na­tor Cus­tomer Ser­vice Coor­di­na­tor Social Media Coor­di­na­tor Web Scrap­ing Coor­di­na­tor Sup­port Administrators
Sur­vey employ­ers and employ­ees: Right per­son in the right place” Sur­vey employ­ers: Com­pa­ny growth”
Ongo­ing development
Inter­nal account­ing 100%
Plan­ing launch US, Cana­da, Aus­tralia and New Zeeland
Launch US, Cana­da, Aus­tralia and New Zeeland
Mar­ket­ing cam­paign users Face­book, LinkedIn, Insta­gram, Twit­ter, Tik­Tok, Snapchat, Youtube, SEO, Influ­encers, webinars
Mar­ket­ing cam­paign cus­tomers LinkedIn, Face­book SEO, webi­na­rs, Youtube
Email mar­ket­ing customers
Recruit­ment process Team US & Cana­da” plus Team Aus­tralia & new Zee­land” finished
Sales cam­paigns US, Cana­da, Aus­tralia and New Zealand
Sur­vey employ­ers and employ­ees: Right per­son in the right place” Sur­vey employ­ers: Com­pa­ny growth”
Ongo­ing development
Launch US, Cana­da, Aus­tralia and New Zeeland
Inter­nal account­ing 100%
Series C: 75 000 000 SEK
Mar­ket­ing cam­paign users Face­book, LinkedIn, Insta­gram, Twit­ter, Tik­Tok, Snapchat, Youtube, SEO, Influ­encers, webinars
Mar­ket­ing cam­paign cus­tomers LinkedIn, Face­book SEO, webi­na­rs, Youtube
Email mar­ket­ing customers
Sur­vey employ­ers and employ­ees: Right per­son in the right place” Sur­vey employ­ers: Com­pa­ny growth”
Ongo­ing development
Inter­nal account­ing 100%

Total Capital Requirement (TCR)

In order to be able to present an investment offer, we have made a financial prognosis from Start of plan to the year we plan for our now coming investors to exit their investment. This is to ascertain the ”total capital requirement” - in other words, how much capital we need to fund our company's entire Strategic roadmap.

We have made assumptions for both costs and revenues for our Normal Case to illustrate the cash flow and need for capital over time. This also gives us an idea of how much time it takes to become cash flow positive, hence the runway we need to finance with external capital.

Total capital need to finance the plan

SEK 176 000 000

Runway to become cash flow positive


Results Capital Requirement Result summary NEW Slide 4

Download forecasts

Financial Prog image

Financial Goals

Our financial goals by the year we plan for our now coming investors to exit their investment are shown below.

Revenue goal 2029

SEK 345 000 000

Profit goal 2029

SEK 85 000 000

ARR goal 2029

SEK 140 000 000

Yearly growth goal


Potential Exit For Investor

All early stage investors need to plan for they are going to sell the shares with a profit. We have made investigations and have a few ideas on how our now coming investors potentially can exit this investment.

Bazzum intend to do an M&A (Merger and Acquisition). The company will conduct a market research to identify potential target companies that align with Bazzums objectives.

Large Tech Companies:

Microsoft: With its focus on enterprise solutions and LinkedIn as part of its portfolio, Microsoft could be a potential acquirer. It has a strong presence in the professional networking space.

Google (Alphabet): Google's suite of business tools and services could complement a recruitment platform, enhancing its capabilities.

Human Capital Management (HCM) Software Providers:

Workday: Known for its cloud-based HCM solutions, Workday might be interested in expanding its talent acquisition capabilities.

Oracle: Oracle offers a wide range of enterprise software solutions, including HCM software. Acquiring a recruitment platform could strengthen its talent management offerings.

Private Equity Firms with Focus on HR Tech:

Private equity firms that specialize in HR technology might be interested in acquiring a recruitment platform to add to their portfolio of HR-related solutions.

Specialized Recruitment Firms:

Established recruitment agencies may consider acquiring a recruitment platform to expand their online presence and technology capabilities. Examples: Manpower, Adecco, Randstad.

Industry-Specific Players:

Companies in industries closely related to HR and recruitment, such as professional development, education, or job training, might see value in owning a recruitment platform. Examples: Academedia,

Global Job Boards and Portals:

Large international job boards or portals may seek to diversify their services by acquiring a specialized recruitment platform. Example: Indeed, LinkedIn.

We have compared our future company with other similar companies that have done the kind of exit strategy we foresee to understand how such companies are valued. We have also found market reports from our industry that’s describes what valuations models are used and we have seen that companies like ours often are valued by applying a multiple on one or more key financial figures like revenue, profit or ARR.

When we use an average multiple and apply it on our future goals that gives us a fictitious valuation of our company.

HR-tech revenue multiple median 10. Adjust for the Discount of Lack of Marketability (DLOM) of 25% and for current market conditions.

Adjust revenue multiple:

Discounts for lack of marketability (DLOM) refer to the method used to help calculate the value of closely held and restricted shares. The theory behind DLOM is that a valuation discount exists between a stock that is publicly traded and thus has a market, and the market for privately held stock, which often has little if any marketplace.

The fictious valuation is based on the thorough analysis of 120 publicly-listed comparables broken down by industry vertical where 6 publicly-listed HR-tech company is one vertical.

Our financial goals and Valuation multiple:

  • ARR x 6

Fictitious valuation at 2029

SEK 840 000 000

Financial Design

Based upon our Normal case plan and goals we have made a financial design for the external capital necessary to cover the accumulated negative cash flow in our financial prognosis. The plan also covers the external equity we plan for and how much capital we plan to raise and their pre money valuations. We have done this in order to for-see the dilution effects for us as founders and our coming investors. Investors are taking their pro rata in the following round in our plan. Based upon our fictitious valuation we can also make assumptions of what potential return an investment would give for investors. This is our financing design:

Shares at present





Pool for future Employees


Round 1 September 2024

Goals to reach:

Launch Bazzum MVP Scandinavia

Round 2 March 2025

Goals to reach:

Full developed platform

Round 3 March 2026

Goals to reach:

Launch EU+UK

Round 4 September 2027

Goals to reach:

Launch US

Loan SEK 0 SEK 0 SEK 0 SEK 0
Grants SEK 0 SEK 0 SEK 0 SEK 0
Equity SEK 1 000 000 SEK 25 000 000 SEK 75 000 000 SEK 75 000 000
Pre Money SEK 20 000 000 SEK 75 000 000 SEK 225 000 000 SEK 450 000 000
Shares Issued + 14092 + 98645 + 131527 + 87685
Total # Shares 295936 394582 526109 613794
Founders Owner % 80.89% 60.67% 45.50% 39.00%
Passive Owner % 14.35% 10.76% 8.07% 6.92%
Employees Owner % (Fully Diluted) 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
Investor 1
Round investment SEK 1 000 000 SEK 1 190 476
Share 4.76% 4.76% 3.57% 3.06%
Return times investment ≈ 19.3 x ≈ 11.7 x ≈ 11.7 x ≈ 11.7 x
Avarage Annual Return (CAGR) ≈ 81% ≈ 64% ≈ 64% ≈ 64%
Total return at exit SEK 19 286 000 SEK 25 714 000 SEK 25 714 000 SEK 25 714 000
Investor 2
Round investment SEK 23 809 524 SEK 17 857 143
Share 23.81% 23.81% 21.43%
Return times investment ≈ 5.4 x ≈ 4.1 x ≈ 4.1 x
Avarage Annual Return (CAGR) ≈ 52% ≈ 42% ≈ 42%
Total return at exit SEK 128 571 000 SEK 171 429 000 SEK 171 429 000
Investor 3
Round investment SEK 57 142 857 SEK 14 285 714
Share 19.05% 19.05%
Return times investment ≈ 2.4 x ≈ 2.2 x
Avarage Annual Return (CAGR) ≈ 34% ≈ 31%
Total return at exit SEK 137 143 000 SEK 160 000 000
Investor 4
Round investment SEK 60 714 286
Share 11.56%
Return times investment ≈ 1.6 x
Avarage Annual Return (CAGR) ≈ 26%
Total return at exit SEK 97 143 000

Our future owners

We hope to share our company with owners who believe in our vision, goals and us as a team. We have a strong plan for how to use external owners capital in order to build a growing and valuable company. To execute according to plan we think our future owners can contribute and these are our thoughts and questions to future owners.

How future owners can contribute:

As we set our sights on expansion and growth, we understand the critical importance of partnering with investors with experience. We are looking for investors who share our passion for building digital platforms and successfully launching them on the global market. Our journey is about transforming industries and connecting people on a global scale. To achieve this, we seek investors who have a proven track record in developing digital platforms that resonate with diverse audiences and can navigate the complexities of international markets.

Questions to future owners

  • What is your experience in supporting digital platform with international ambitions?

  • How can your network and connections benefit our international expansion strategy?

  • What is your long-term vision for Bazzum, and how do you see your involvement evolving over time?

  • Can you share examples of other startups or companies you've invested in, and how you've contributed to their success?

  • Can you provide references from other companies or entrepreneurs you've worked with in the past?

Next step

Would you be interested in more information we would appreciate if you would sign our suggestion for an NDA. If you want to schedule a meeting please contact us.

Suggested ticket size

SEK 250 000

Time for next capital round

September 2024

About this report

We have concluded The Investment Readiness Process by Beels® [IRP] to prepare for our future growth and financial needs. We have been trained and supervised by Björn Larsson who is an IRP Certified Instructor. The IRP consist of five instructor led meetings and eight assignments. The result of those assignment are summarized in this IRP Report for an effective filtering and partial due diligence for an investor.

The Investment Readiness Process by Beels was created 2018 by Björn Larsson, entrepreneur and investor and Bjorn was inspired by Lennart Ohlsson (Swedish Angel Investor and author of ”Träffsäkra investeringar i startups”) and Jason Calacanis (US Angel Investor and author of the book "Angel - How to Invest in Technology Startups--Timeless Advice from an Angel Investor Who Turned $100,000 Into $100,000,000”.

The Investment Readiness Process was conducted by the Certified IRP Instructor:

Björn Larsson 007

Björn Larsson

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Rickard Linetti

The founder of Bazzum. Creative zealot and entrepreneur through and through. Passionate about customer solutions and sales. A pioneer with unmatched experience and knowledge in the field of digital recruiting and job market services, with over 20 years as a heavyweight in the industry. Founded Stepstone, Sweden’s first digital recruiting site in 1996, when people still thought the internet was a fad. Since then he has founded and successfully led several different digital services in the job market. Convinced that will fundamentally change our view on job hunting and recruiting – locally, nationally and globally.